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Planting Seeds this Spring


Spring is a season for considering our own metaphorical rebirth, as we shed our winter layers and find equilibrium between the shadows of colder months behind us and the blazing spirit of what is yet to come.


Growth Emerges from Darkness

Winter can be a difficult season, the days are short, trees and plants are barren, and overall the energy is one of hibernation. Spring reminds us there is potential hiding in the darkness, just waiting for the right moment to bloom. This lesson applies to our lives as well. There can be difficult seasons, times where we feel buried but there is always hope and we should never give up. “They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds.”

You Can Always Start Over

Spring also shows us the beauty of fresh starts, and of letting go of what no longer serves us. No matter how harsh the winter season might have been, spring starts anew and that requires a certain amount of letting go of the parts that are dead. It is a season that surrounds us with growth and reminds us that we too are capable of growth.

So often we cling to what we know in life, whether it be people, habits, or vices. Even if we might be aware that these things are not supporting us, we feel drawn to them because they are familiar. Change can be scary and difficult but on the other side of that fear is some much possibility and potential.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” 

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